Experience Economy


Walking by the ocean, barefoot in soft damp sand, watching curlews and plovers running into the edge of the water - that's an experience.
An evening at a friend's house, admiring the house, how the architect had designed it to use light and space to maximise the ocean view and privacy; meeting other friends and former colleagues, survivors through divorces and surgeries, catching up on each other's lives - that's an experience.

Facebook helps - with people who post regularly (or who blog,or tweet, but not many do) there's much more current shared context, a frame of reference which broadens the base for conversation. Geography matters much less, personal contact is easier, warmer, more quickly renewed.

Listening to and watching music is an experience too - one for which it is easier to have small samples,in between necessities. Sharing changes and improves the experience.

Then there are games, which simulate experiences - music, used well, can elevate the game experience.

Reference : http://uk.gamespot.com/features/6309616/index.html

Musemantik, which makes software for adding appropriate music to games, and in which we have an investment, is raising a seed round. If you might be interested in participating, contact us at info@cunningsystems.com or info@musemantik.com